Often conditions and problems unique to women are considered “taboo” and things we do not talk about. Who talks about trouble leaking or trouble peeing and pooping? Should we be saying “pee” and “poop”? Should I just do Kegel exercise… doesn’t doing Kegel’s help everything?
It is easy to feel like you are the only one experiencing these problems. OR…often we think these are “NORMAL” problems associated with having a baby, with normal aging, or with peri and post-menopause.
Often we feel our problems are minimized by health professionals.
We are here at Next Level Therapy to tell you that your problems are real and you deserve to be heard. You are not alone. We are here to help. Oh, and by the way, doing Kegel exercises does not help everything….
And sometimes Kegel exercises (if done at the wrong time or incorrectly) can cause more harm than good.
Contact us to schedule a discovery call or to schedule an evaluation visit.

Diastasis recti (DR) is the partial or complete separation of the rectus abdominis, or “six-pack” muscles, which meet at the midline of your stomach. This is very common during and after pregnancy.
If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms below, contact us for an evaluation:
- low back pain
- poor posture
- constipation
- bloating
Through therapeutic intervention, your pelvic health therapist can educate you in the proper method to regain your inner core strength, decrease symptoms related to your DR, and instruct you in nutrition to promote healing.
Painful sex is often a topic that patients are afraid to discuss. Take the time for yourself and come meet with us at Next Level Therapy. You will find a safe and comfortable environment to have this discussion and learn how education can elevate your mind and body.
There can be numerous causes that lead to Dyspareunia. The causes can be biomechanically based, psychosocially based, or a combination of both. At Next Level Therapy, we will complete a full evaluation of your entire self to help in determining the cause and the correct treatment approach.
There are numerous options and methods for treatment. We will work as a team, patient and provider, to determine your best method to assist in your return to pleasurable pain free intimacy.

Incontinence is due to an incoordination of your pelvic floor muscles. You will benefit from a pelvic floor therapy consult with our specialists at Next Level Therapy.
Pelvic floor therapy will address muscle dysfunction, educate you in the tools needed to regain your inner muscular balance and strength, and empower you to return to a full and complete quality of living.
35 percent of new mother’s experience urinary incontinence following childbirth, and 20 percent of first-time moms experience severe pelvic floor muscle injury after a normal pregnancy and delivery. Pelvic Floor Health is more than just doing Kegel exercise.
Prenatal – Your therapist will help you prepare your inner core and pelvic floor to assist in a healthy pregnancy and to help prepare for a healthy delivery.
Postnatally – Your therapist will teach you strategies to optimize your health and improve your pelvic floor and inner core strength for a return to pelvic health and return to full participation in activities of daily life.

Often due to weakness or incoordination of our pelvic floor muscles, we may have a pelvic organ prolapse.
There are three main types:
- prolapse of your rectum (Rectocele)
- prolapse of the bladder (Cystocele)
- prolapse of the uterus (Uterine Prolapse)
The causes can be many. Some reasons could be:
- You could have weakness associated with childbirth that leads to a prolapse.
- You might be an avid runner or weightlifter and due to an incoordination of pelvic floor muscles you have experienced a pelvic organ prolapse.
- Maybe hormonal changes in your body has caused changes to your tissue and put you at risk for prolapse.
Address - Prenatal/postnatal pelvic floor & core
Build - Knowledge of techniques & options
Childbirth - recovery protocol & beyond
We conduct an internal examination to assess your risk for prolapse or vaginal wall tearing.
- Learn techniques to address prenatal aches and concerns such as pelvic, back, breathing, hip or rib discomfort and glute pain
- Lean techniques to minimalize risk for diastasis recti, tearing, need for episiotomy, and prolapse
- Learn options for laboring to help promote vaginal childbirth and decrease risk for post-natal musculoskeletal complications
- Learn how to recover post childbirth in a safe method that promotes a healthy pelvic floor and inner core